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Wellington Park - The Total Pet Care Centre

Wellington Park is the home of Victoria’s most comprehensive Dog Training School. We offer fantastic obedience courses for ‘all’ breeds and because we understand that everyone’s needs are different, we tailor the training of your dog to suit ‘your’ lifestyle, whether it be while they holiday with us or in the leisure of your own home. All our trainers are fully qualified and have been accredited by the National Dog Trainers Federation; Australia’s premier behaviour and training course. We boast humane training methods that compliment our highly effective and highly successful training techniques. During their stay your dog will enjoy all the benefits of regular exercise whilst improving in manners and obedience. Whether you decide to focus on sit, drop, stand, heel, come, or to address unwanted behaviours such as jumping, destructiveness, or aggression, Wellington Park offers the training you’re looking for. The training your dog will receive at Wellington Park is invaluable. We take the hard work out of training for you, making life for both you and your dog far more pleasurable upon returning home. After a one-on-one assessment with one of our professional trainers we will identify your needs and help you choose the training option most suited.


10 Powells Rd






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